这来自早期版本的 Java 内部类规范。
官方规范 URL,例如来自VM 规范 2.14的引用已因链接腐烂而消失:http: //java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs/guide/innerclasses/spec/innerclasses.doc.html
1999 年 1 月 17 日的快照可以在 Wayback 机器上获得,相应的规范部分是References to local variables。
Enumeration myEnumerate(final Object array[]) {
class E implements Enumeration {
int count = 0;
public boolean hasMoreElements()
{ return count < array.length; }
public Object nextElement() {
{ return array[count++]; }
return new E();
按照惯例,局部变量 likearray
is final
,这样的副本永远不会包含不一致的值。) ...
Enumeration myEnumerate(Object array[], int copy) { // array not final, let's see...
for (int i = 0, i < 2; i++ ) { // loop to have several copies
class E implements Enumeration {
int count = 0;
public boolean hasMoreElements()
{ return count < array.length; }
public Object nextElement() {
{ return array[count++]; }
} // we hope to be done with E... oh no
array = null; // not final => can change
if (i == copy) {
return new E(); // we need to look outside of E
// to figure value of array it uses
return null;
// ...
for (int i = 0, i < 2; i++ ) { // loop to have several copies
if (i == copy) {
return new Enumeration() {
int count = 0;
public boolean hasMoreElements()
{ return count < array.length; }
public Object nextElement() {
{ return array[count++]; }
} // we hope to be done... oh no
array = null; // not final => can change