#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class linkedList {
struct listNode{ //a node of a list
int value;
struct listNode *next;
listNode *head;
cout << "hello1\n";
head = NULL;
linkedList(listNode* a){
cout << "hello2\n";
head = a;
listNode* getHead() {return head;}
void appendNode(int);
//inline Search function due to unable to function outside of class definition
listNode* rangeSearch(int a, int b){
//listNode to search
listNode *search = head;
//listNode* toReturn = new listNode;
//listNode to return list of values that are found within range
linkedList *found = new linkedList;
//if the current value is within range, then add to list
if(search->value >= a && search->value <= b){
//append searched value onto found
//after appending, go to next value
search = search->next;
return found->getHead();
void display();
int main()
cout << "Programmer : n\n";
cout << "Description : \n";
linkedList* list = new linkedList;
int x = 12;
//values to search
int s1 = 10, s2 = 14;
// adds 2 to each number on list for 5 times
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
x += 2;
//create something to hold pointer of found to be deleted when done using
//print list
cout << "Original set of numbers in linked list: ";
cout << "\nThe following are the values withing ranges: " << s1 << " and " << s2 << ":\n";
linkedList foundList(list->rangeSearch(s1,s2));
//End of edit 6:40PM 7/18/13
cout << "\nHere are the original set of numbers in linked list (again): ";
delete list;
return 0;
void linkedList::appendNode(int newValue)
listNode *newNode = new listNode(); // To point to a new node
listNode *nodePtr; // To move through the list
// Allocate a new node and store newValue there.
newNode->value = newValue;
newNode->next = 0;
// If there are no nodes in the list
// make newNode the first node.
if (!head)
head = newNode;
else // Otherwise, insert newNode at end.
// Initialize nodePtr to head of list.
nodePtr = head;
// Find the last node in the list.
while (nodePtr->next)
nodePtr = nodePtr->next;
// Insert newNode as the last node.
nodePtr->next = newNode;
void linkedList::display() {
for(listNode* p = head; p != NULL; p = p->next)
cout << p->value << ' ';
cout << "\ndestructor called";
listNode *nodePtr; // To traverse the list
listNode *nextNode; // To point to the next node
// Position nodePtr at the head of the list.
nodePtr = head;
// While nodePtr is not at the end of the list...
while (nodePtr != NULL)
// Save a pointer to the next node.
nextNode = nodePtr->next;
// Delete the current node.
delete nodePtr;
// Position nodePtr at the next node.
nodePtr = nextNode;
所以这里有几个问题。首先,为什么当我尝试将 rangeSearch 成员函数放在类定义之外时,编译器会报错说无法识别 listNode* 类型?
其次,这与析构函数有关。在这个程序中,创建了 2 个实例(列表和找到的列表),但只调用了 1 个析构函数。有人可以解释为什么吗?我的直觉告诉我,动态分配的指向linkedList 对象的指针没有被破坏。但是,我不知道为什么。我必须使用动态分配内存的原因主要是因为我想将指针传递回主函数。如果我不这样做,当 rangeSearch 退出时,指针将被传递回 main 但指针所具有的任何列表都将在 return ptr 后被解构;(假设 ptr 是指向在 rangeSearch 中声明的linkedList 的指针)这将导致我的程序崩溃,因为现在地址中没有任何内容,而我试图调用......什么都没有。