var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bw1.jpg");
我的特定需求要求我一次在屏幕上最多有 2 个图像副本,一个作为缩略图,另一个作为全尺寸图像。我想要它,以便当用户单击缩略图时,会创建一个新的图片实例,缩放为具有 0 alpha 的全尺寸,并且当前选择的图片的 alpha 值会随着新图片的 alpha 值的增加而减小。一旦旧图片不再可见,它就会从舞台上移除。
我无法弄清楚如何在 actionscript 中创建图像的副本,而且我的 for 循环似乎没有正确执行,因为即使我没有错误消息,它也只会经历一次迭代。
这是通过 pastebin 指向我的代码的链接:http: //pastebin.com/iadgKgsk但为了让您不必在两者之间来回切换,我也会在这里过去
import flash.display.Bitmap;
//creates a loader for each picture to be loaded, I know I could have an empty array
that I add to but created a full array to test.
var loaders:Array = [new Loader(),new Loader(), new Loader(), new Loader(), new
Loader(), new Loader(), new Loader(), new Loader(), new Loader(), new Loader()];
//stores the url request for each image to be loaded
var Requests:Array =[new URLRequest("pic1.jpg"),new URLRequest("pic2.jpg"),new
new URLRequest("pic4.jpg"),new URLRequest("pic5.jpg"),new URLRequest("pic6.jpg"), new
new URLRequest("pic8.jpg"), new URLRequest("pic9.jpg"),new URLRequest("pic10.jpg")];
//creates 2 empty arrays one to store the thumbnail sized pics the other fullsized.
Ideally I want one Array holding the bitmap data and the other holding the thumbnail
instances since I only need 2
// fullsized images at a time I can just create a new one and erase the old one in a
single function.
var pics:Array = new Array();
var pics2:Array = new Array();
//defines an empty bitMap variable as a placeholder for which to copy from redefined in
every iteration of the loop
var test:Bitmap;
//loops through every loader
for (var i in loaders);
// loads the loader and url request and creates a picture
//waits for the pic to load
loaders[i].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
//after loader is loaded create pic from the data
function loadComplete(evt:Event):void
var i = "Test";
test= evt.target.content as Bitmap;
pics2[i] = test;
pics[i] =new Bitmap(test.bitmapData);
pics2[i] =new Bitmap(test.bitmapData);
//creates an image on the stage at runtime to help debug
var pic1 = new Bitmap(test.bitmapData);
pic1.scaleX = 0.138427734375;
pic1.scaleY = 0.1384114583333333;
pic1.x = 204;
pic1.y = 20.6;
pic1.alpha = .25;
var pic2:Bitmap = new Bitmap(test.bitmapData);
pic2.x =100;
pic2.y =100;
pic2.scaleX =.33;