我正在搞乱 Node.js 0.10 Stream 类,试图弄清楚如何使用它们。我不确定为什么这个实验不起作用。它应该将字母表的字母输出到 HTTP 响应对象,但没有。我已经用一些评论注释了源代码。
var Readable = require('stream').Readable
, inherits = require('util').inherits
, http = require('http');
* A stream that streams the English alphabet
function AlphabetStream() {
this.code = this.offset = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
this.last = 'z'.charCodeAt(0);
inherits(AlphabetStream, Readable);
AlphabetStream.prototype._read = function(size) {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
AlphabetStream.prototype.next_char = function() {
var cycle = this.last+1;
return String.fromCharCode((++this.code % cycle) + this.offset);
* An HTTP server, prints the first n letters of the English alphabet
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
// $ curl localhost:3001/?size=11
var size = require('url').parse(req.url, true).query.size;
if (size) {
var rs = new AlphabetStream;
rs.pipe(res); // This calls `_read()` with `size` 16kb
rs.read(parseInt(size)); // This also calls `_read()` with `size` 16kb
res.end(''); // Nothing gets printed, despite the pipe and the reading.
server.listen(3001, function() {
console.log('Listening on 3001');