I'm trying to query for a set and return it as a hash map object with Spring JdbcTemplate. But some reasons I'm getting empty result set from server. It is possible that I have a problem in the overall configuration but the rest of the queries are working without problems.
This is how I query
public Map<Integer, String> getCompanyDataservers() {
return getTemplate().queryForObject("select id, dataserver from company", new RowMapper<Map<Integer,String>>() {
public Map<Integer, String> mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum)
throws SQLException {
HashMap<Integer, String> toReturn = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
while(rs.next()) {
int id = rs.getInt("id");
toReturn.put(id, dataserver);
return toReturn;
After some debugging and logging statements I concluded that my resultset seems to be empty of any rows. When I query the same ("select id, dataserver from company") manually directly from DB I get the desired result. Yet this way I get a resultset with 0 rows.
One of my theories is that can't get get this kind of set when querying for a object this way. But isn't there a possibility to be free at you queries and construct a more elaborate object as a query result, or I have to create a purpose built class to be used by "queryForList" to get the desired data and convert it afterwards?
Or am I just missing something?