函数应该能够整齐地显示由空格或制表符分隔的 2 到 5 列的列表。在大多数情况下,它运作良好,但当它有多个国家要列出时,它只列出一个。这是它的外观示例:
Country Gold Silver Bronze
(this space is actually a sequence of equal signs to represent a heading line)
United States 765 555 780
Great Britain 600 200 950
def showList(returned_List):
header = ' '
line = ''
entries = ''
for i in returned_List[0]:
header += i + (' ')*5
for k in range(len(header)):
line += '='
for j in returned_List[1]:
entries += j +(' ')*5
print(header, '\n', line, '\n', entries)