I would like to use HashMaps<String, V>
where the value type V
should be a two dimensional int
array (int[][]
Map<String,int[][]> map = new HashMap<>();
int[][] a = new int[][]{ {1, 2} };
map.put("test", a);
System.out.println("Test:" + map.containsKey("test")); // Test: true
System.out.println("key ==== " + map.get("test")); // Key === [[I@19a8942
I am trying to have a key that access a unique value i.e. a 2-dimensional array, the size of the array is fixed array[1][3]
, this is constant. Number of keys will grow with time but not the arrays. For example:
Key1 -> [no1, no2, no3]
key2 -> [no4, no5, no6]
- I would like to access the array values, now I get an error.
- Is there a better way of implementing this?. Ideally I would like it to be sorted by keys.
I am not an expert in Java but after some reading about maps I felt this works best for me.