I have a login screen on which i have a simple form with username and password fields. After successful login attempt I want to store user in the session and redirect to a home page. loginUser method is part of LoginResource class
public View loginUser(@FormParam("user") String username, @FormParam("pass") String password, @Context HttpServletRequest req)
LoginService ls = new LoginService();
User user = ls.login(username, password);
if(user == null)
return new LoginView();
req.setAttribute("appUser", user);
req.getSession().setAttribute("appUser", user);
return new HomeView();
HomeView class:
public class HomeView extends View
public HomeView()
Freemarker template home.ftl:
<#if appUser??>
<h1>Welcome, ${appUser.username}!</h1>
AppUser is not found in the session
run() method of the class that extends Service:
public void run(Configuration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
//setting session handler
environment.setSessionHandler(new SessionHandler());
environment.addResource(new LoginResource());
The problem is that when i make a successful login attempt it seems that my user is not saved in the session. Don't know how to resolve this.