I have an MVC controller that accepts two string parameters but I will only ever use one or the other. I'm not sure how to best handle the situation. I need to find a way to pass a NULL for which ever parameter will not be used. The way I have it set up now passes the parameters get to the Action but the unused parameter is empty, I need it to be NULL and everything will work as I need. I know I could do an "if" statement and build the @URL.Action link dynamically but that seems clunky. I also saw some posts that suggest a custom route but I would like to hear from users here before I go that route. There must be an easier way.
My function to route to the new URL:
$('#poBtn').on('click', function (e) {
var poId = $('#PoLabel').val();
var reqId = $('#ReqLabel').val();
var url = '@Url.Action("ShipmentsByPo", "Shipping", new {po = "_poId_" , reqId = "_reqId_" })';
url = url.replace('_poId_', poId);
url = url.replace('_reqId_', reqId);
window.location.href = url;Action
public IEnumerable<ShippingHeaderVM> ShipmentsByPo(string po, string reqID )
object[] parameters = { po, reqID };
var shipmentsByPo = context.Database.SqlQuery<ShippingHeaderVM>("spSelectLOG_ShippingNoticeByPo {0},{1}",parameters);
return shipmentsByPo.ToList();