I am trying to load new data onto a page after a user has chosen which data to load out of a list. Before the user has chosen, I want the first item on the list to show its data.
So, in my html.erb file:
<div id="detailsPA">
<%= render @app.snaps, :toolkit_view => false %>
<div id="test">
<%= render :partial =>'snaps/snap_details', :locals=> {:snap => @app.snaps[0]} %>
@app.snaps is an array of items with a bunch of data. Here, an item in this array is called a snap.
The first render @app.snaps renders the array into links. The second, renders the data of an item in the list.
Here is the code for the list of links.
<%=link_to snap.name,{controller: 'snaps', action: 'snap_details', id: snap.id, remote: true}, {method: :get, class: 'snapButton'}%>
In order for the second render to work I have to tell it which item (or in this case snap) was chosen.
When a link is clicked on its data should replace the old data. My controller looks like:
def snap_details
@snap = Snap.find(params["id"])
render :json=>{:key=> @snap.id}
Then my js file looks like:
$('.snapButton').on('ajax:success', function(event, data, status, xhr){
$('#test').html("<%=escape_javascript render(:partial =>'snaps/snap_details', :locals=> {:snap => @snap})%>");
But when I click on a link the new data doesn't replace the old data.
I am new to Ruby on Rails and Javascript. I feel like I am close to what I want but I am missing something very important.