Syon 的帖子对我帮助很大,谢谢!我认为对于在这个主题上苦苦挣扎的其他人来说,工作测试会是一个很好的补充;)。
public class SshaPasswordVerifyTest {
private final static int SIZE_SHA1_HASH = 20;
public void itShouldVerifyPassword() throws Exception{
String password = "YouNeverGuess!";
String encodedPasswordWithSSHA = "{SSHA}M6HeeJAbwUCzuLwXbq00Fc3n3XcxFI8KjQkqeg==";
Assert.assertEquals(encodedPasswordWithSSHA, getSshaDigestFor(password, getSalt(encodedPasswordWithSSHA)));
// The salt is the remaining part after the SHA1_hash
private byte[] getSalt(String encodedPasswordWithSSHA){
byte[] data = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(encodedPasswordWithSSHA.substring(6));
return Arrays.copyOfRange(data, SIZE_SHA1_HASH, data.length);
private String getSshaDigestFor(String password, byte[] salt) throws Exception{
// create a SHA1 digest of the password + salt
MessageDigest crypt = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] hash = crypt.digest();
// concatenate the hash with the salt
byte[] hashPlusSalt = new byte[hash.length + salt.length];
System.arraycopy(hash, 0, hashPlusSalt, 0, hash.length);
System.arraycopy(salt, 0, hashPlusSalt, hash.length, salt.length);
// prepend the SSHA tag + base64 encode the result
return "{SSHA}" + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hashPlusSalt);