我有一个使用 libxml2 编写器将 XML 文档写入缓冲区的函数,但是当我尝试使用 xmlParseMemory 从内存中解析文档时,它只返回解析器错误。我还尝试将文档写入文件并使用 xmlParseFile 解析它并成功解析。

这就是我为 xml 文档初始化编写器和缓冲区的方式。

  int rc, i = 0;
  xmlTextWriterPtr writer;
  xmlBufferPtr buf;

  // Create a new XML buffer, to which the XML document will be written
  buf = xmlBufferCreate();
  if (buf == NULL)
    printf("testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml buffer\n");

  // Create a new XmlWriter for memory, with no compression.
  // Remark: there is no compression for this kind of xmlTextWriter
  writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0);
  if (writer == NULL)
    printf("testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml writer\n");

  // Start the document with the xml default for the version,
  // encoding UTF-8 and the default for the standalone
  // declaration.
  rc = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, ENCODING, NULL);
  if (rc < 0)
    ("testXmlwriterMemory: Error at xmlTextWriterStartDocument\n");

我将 xml 文档传递给另一个函数进行验证 int ret = validateXML(buf->content);

这是 validateXML 的第一部分

int validateXML(char *buffer)
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlSchemaPtr schema = NULL;
xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
char *XSDFileName = XSDFILE;
char *XMLFile = buffer;
int ret = 1;

doc = xmlReadMemory(XMLFile, sizeof(XMLFile), "noname.xml", NULL, 0);

doc 调用该函数后始终为 NULL,表示解析文档失败。


Entity: line 1: parser error : ParsePI: PI xm space expected
Entity: line 1: parser error : ParsePI: PI xm never end ...
Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found



1 回答 1


sizeof用于确定 xml 数据的大小。对于始终返回 4 的 char 指针。您可能需要的是strlen.

doc = xmlReadMemory(XMLFile, strlen(XMLFile), "noname.xml", NULL, 0);
于 2013-07-18T20:48:25.417 回答