I am building a single page app which uses sammy.js, knockout.js and SignalR. The main page (index.html) loads additional html pages into a div based upon the client side route.
I have 2 SignalR hubs, one is connected to by the initial page for server side push data and this works fine. However one of the pages which are loaded when the user navigates to it should also connect to a different hub.
In the main page I am doing the following:
window.hubReady = $.connection.hub.start()
var hub1 = $.connection.hub1;
hub1.updateReceived = function () {
alert('data from server');
window.hubReady.done(function() {
In the second page I have:
var hub2 = $.connection.hub2;
hub2.updateReceived = function () {
alert('data from server');
window.hubReady.done(function() {
However I never receive any updates in the second page.
Any idea where I am going wrong?