I've upgraded to Eclipse Kepler from Juno, and I find that it handles the Esc key completely differently.

Usually, with the Esc key I could abort smaller views/menus like auto-completion: Alt+Space to open the auto-completion dropdown, Esc to close it.

However, with Kepler I find that Esc hides basically everything. Before:

State before pressing Esc:


State after pressing Esc:

Esc is not mapped to any function (it's not listed in the configuration under keys). Is this the default behavior now? Does anybody else have this?

Resetting the perspective doesn't change this behavior. I think it might have something to do with the floaty windows style. When I installed Kepler and started it up, I had to manually resize the inner window (containing all the usual views) to the size of the screen.

Edit: I can get the UI back if I click the small Java perspective button in the little menu bar on the top left side. The Esc functionality seems to be the same with all the views (focusing each view, then pressing Esc does the same for every view).


2 回答 2




现在至于为什么会因为点击 ESC 而发生这种情况,我只能回应上面关于检查某些命令是否已绑定到 ESC 的建议(在我的 Win7 机器上不会发生)。

于 2013-11-11T19:40:51.680 回答



1) 尝试修复现有工作空间中的问题。

  • 选择Window->Reset Perspective
  • Esc。(它有效吗?如果不继续阅读......)

注意:重置透视图将透视图恢复为其默认布局,因此假设默认布局不符合您的喜好,您将不得不重新布局视图。但是,一旦这样做,您可以使用Window->Save Perspective As...

  • 重置透视图后,退出并重新启动 Eclipse 以确保对透视图的更改已提交并正确存储到工作区。(再试一次,它有效吗?如果不继续阅读......)

正如Gunanaresh在下面的评论中提到的那样。尝试删除工作区中的 .metadata 目录可能是值得的。但是,请注意这可能不安全!在执行此操作之前备份您的工作区。更好的是,首先尝试 2。

2) 重新创建工作区。

  • File->Export, Choose General>Preferences保存您的工作区首选项
  • File->Export, Choose Team->Team Project Set. 浏览向导并导出所有项目。我们将使用 psf 文件将项目导入新工作区
  • 退出 Eclipse。
  • 使用新工作区启动 Eclipse。
  • File->Import, Choose Team->Team Project Set. 指向您创建并导入项目的 psf 文件。


于 2013-12-08T04:35:28.370 回答