
进行自动化时,我可以将文件保存在本地,然后我需要使用 QTP 脚本将其上传到我的 QC 项目中的特定位置(以便稍后再次检索它)。



1 回答 1


谷歌是你的朋友。例如,来自http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/Quality-Center-Support-and-News/How-to-upload-a-any-type-of-file-to-quality的以下脚本-center-using-QTP/td-p/5297523#.UfpIs5JM_eQ看起来像一个答案,并且是谷歌搜索“上传文件 qc qtp”的第一击:

Dim localFolderPath
localFolderPath = "Local folder path of library files"
call UploadFilesToQC("Subject\BPT RESOURCES\QC Folder Name", localFolderPath )

Public Function UploadFilesToQC(strQCPath,strFilesystemPath)  
    Dim fileCount, timeNow, timeOld, timeDiff
    fileCount = 0
    'Get QC connection object
    Set QCConnection = QCUtil.QCConnection
    'Get Test Plan tree structure
    Set treeManager = QCConnection.TreeManager
    Set node = treeManager.NodeByPath(strQCPath)
    Set AFolder = node.FindChildNode("Library Files")  ' Library Files folder Name in QC
    set oAttachment = AFolder.attachments
    timeOld = Now
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(strFilesystemPath)
    Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
    'Iterate through each file present in File System path
    If oFiles.count >0 Then
    For Each oFile in oFiles
        Set attach = oAttachment.AddItem(Null)
        attach.FileName = oFile.Path
        attach.Type = 1
        fileCount = fileCount +1
        Set attach = nothing
    timeNow = Now
    timeDiff =     timeNow - timeOld
'Time required to upload all files to QC
    Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Time required to upload : ", "'" & timeDiff & "' minutes."
'Total Files count uploaded to QC
    Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"Total files uploaded : ", "'" & fileCount & "' files uploaded."
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"File not found", "No file found at path: " & strFilesystemPath
    End If
End Function
于 2013-08-01T11:41:37.167 回答