我设置了一个谷歌地图,可以很好地与默认的 InfoWindow 一起使用,但是我正在寻找更风格化的东西,我希望能够控制这个窗口的外观。我查看了 InfoBox 示例和文档,但无法看到如何将其实现到我的代码中。
// Enable the visual refresh
google.maps.visualRefresh = true;
function initialize() {
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(52.58448934362705, -2.2128868103027344);
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 19,
center: myLatLng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
draggable: false,
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
position: new google.maps.LatLng(52.58448934362705, -2.2128868103027344),
icon: {
size: new google.maps.Size(32, 32),
scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(32, 32),
url: "marker.png"
setMarkers(map, obstacles);
var obstacles = [
['The Start', -2.2128868103027344 ,52.58448934362705, 1, '<b>The Start</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Chatway Chase', -2.2232937812805176,52.585369365082556, 1, '<b>Chatway Chase</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Elephant Fence', -2.2287386655807495,52.585874554601546, 1, '<b>Elephant Fence</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Elephant Fence', -2.2254180908203125,52.586862101811484, 1, '<b>Elephant Fence</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Elephant Fence', -2.2167277336120605,52.58403954805975, 1, '<b>Elephant Fence</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Elephant Fence', -2.216741144657135,52.58465231189634, 1, '<b>Elephant Fence</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Rabbit Hill', -2.220606207847595,52.58593322139412, 1, '<b>Rabbit Hill</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Brasher Disley Steplechase', -2.2237443923950195,52.58636018290797, 1, '<b>Brasher Disley Steplechase</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Bracken Maze Torture', -2.228196859359741,52.58881105708316, 1, '<b>Bracken Maze Torture</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['The Slalom', -2.233647108078003,52.590078809218845, 1, '<b>The Slalom</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Jungle Trench Battlefileds', -2.2293394804000854,52.5877551121424, 1, '<b>Jungle Trench Battlefileds</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Gurkha Grand National', -2.23097562789917,52.58586803606421, 1, '<b>Gurkha Grand National</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Jungle Water Slalom', -2.2270596027374268,52.58515425035844, 1, '<b>Jungle Water Slalom</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg'],
['Technospanner Legover', -2.2247743606567383,52.58636670137212, 1, '<b>Technospanner Legover</b>', 'bracken-maze-torture.jpg']
function setMarkers(map, locations) {
var image = {
size: new google.maps.Size(32, 32),
scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(32, 32),
url: "marker.png"
var makeInfoWindow = function(marker, obs) {
// Create info window. In content you can pass simple text or html code.
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: "<div style='width:220px; position:relative;'>" + obs[4] + "<img src='" + + "'/></div>",
maxWidth: 220,
var boxText = document.createElement("div");
boxText.style.cssText = "border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 8px; background: yellow; padding: 5px;";
boxText.innerHTML = "City Hall, Sechelt<br>British Columbia<br>Canada";
var myOptions = {
content: boxText
,disableAutoPan: false
,maxWidth: 0
,pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-140, 0)
,zIndex: null
,boxStyle: {
background: "url('tipbox.gif') no-repeat"
,opacity: 0.75
,width: "280px"
,closeBoxMargin: "10px 2px 2px 2px"
,closeBoxURL: "http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/close.gif"
,infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size(1, 1)
,isHidden: false
,pane: "floatPane"
,enableEventPropagation: false
// Add listner for marker. You can add listner for any object. It is just an example in which I am specifying that infowindow will be open on marker mouseover
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
infowindow.open(map, marker);
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
var obstacle = locations[i];
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(obstacle[2], obstacle[1]);
var marker = new MarkerWithLabel({
position: myLatLng,
map: map,
icon: image,
title: obstacle[0],
zIndex: obstacle[3],
labelContent: i + 1,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(14, 29),
labelClass: "labels"
makeInfoWindow(marker, obstacle);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);