http://xrx.googlecode.com/svn-history/r111/trunk/14-xml-schema-to-xforms/schema-to-instance.xqm does not compile:

Cannot compile xquery: err:XPST0017 Function string-pad() is not
defined in module namespace: http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions
[at line 23, column 11]

Where is it declared or how can be added to the module?

http://xrx.googlecode.com/svn-history/r111/trunk/14-xml-schema-to-xforms/schema-to-xforms.xqm uses the schema-to-instance.xqm module and can't run without it.

I've tried those from eXist-db 2.0 and eXide version 2.0.

Or, does anybody know about a WORKING (and COMPLETE) xml schema to instance/xforms transformators? (The ones above have a lot of issues in the Todo list.) Thanks.


1 回答 1


抱歉,“完整的”Schema 到 XForms 的转换仍然不存在。

XML Schema 有太多的特性和可能性来表示内容(元素、类型、组等),这使得几乎不可能创建一个。

您可以使用 XForms 设计器查看基于 XSLT 的这个: https ://sourceforge.net/projects/schema2xforms/



于 2013-07-19T16:20:21.943 回答