使用 MStest - 我想查找排队等待运行的测试方法的总数。


我唯一得到的是 TestContext ,它没有测试总数的详细信息。


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public async Task RunServiceTests()

        // Find the list of Test Cases in the running assembly

        // all methods that start with "TC"
        Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        Type[] types = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
        string testCaseString = "TC";
        Dictionary<long, MethodInfo> dictionary = new Dictionary<long, MethodInfo>();
        long testCaseNumber = 0;
        MethodInfo[] methods = null;
        foreach (Type t in types)
        { if(t.Name == "ServicesTests")
                methods = t.GetMethods();

                foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
                    Regex regex = new Regex(@"TC\d+");
                    Match match = regex.Match(m.Name);
                    if (match.Success)
                        simpleLogger.WriteLine("Method Name:  " + method.Name);

                        int pos = -1;
                        string name = method.Name;
                        pos = name.IndexOf("_");
                        int length = pos - 2;
                        testCaseString = name.Substring(2, length);
                        simpleLogger.LogInfo("Test Case Number found: " + testCaseString);
                        testCaseNumber = Convert.ToInt64(testCaseString);

                        if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(testCaseNumber))
                            dictionary.Add(testCaseNumber, method);


                } // End of methodInfo loop



        foreach (KeyValuePair<long, MethodInfo> kvp in dictionary)
            MethodInfo method = kvp.Value;
            Task task = (Task) method.Invoke(Instance, null);
             await task;

于 2018-10-10T19:07:14.310 回答