我试图在 OpenSSL 中复制此博客上的工作流程:http: //farid.hajji.name/blog/2009/07/27/public-key-cryptography-with-openssl/

然而,尽管有很多变化,但身份验证似乎失败了。怎么了?请参阅下面的代码,您可以将其复制并粘贴到 OpenSSL 中。请注意,我使用的是已编译的 Windows 二进制版本的 OpenSSL。

//================Phase 1 - Setup================

//Generate my private key (myprivatekey.txt)
genpkey -algorithm RSA -out C:\myprivatekey.txt -pass pass:abc123 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

//Generate friend's private key (friendprivatekey.txt)
genpkey -algorithm RSA -out C:\friendprivatekey.txt -pass pass:123abc -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048


//Extract my public key (mypublickey.txt) from my private key (myprivatekey.txt)
rsa -passin pass:abc123 -in C:\myprivatekey.txt -pubout -out C:\mypublickey.txt

//Extract friend's public key (friendpublickey.txt) from my private key (friendprivatekey.txt)
rsa -passin pass:123abc -in C:\friendprivatekey.txt -pubout -out C:\friendpublickey.txt


//Generate my password (a random base64 string password saved mypassword.txt)
rand -base64 -out C:\mypassword.txt 128

//Generate friend's password (a random base64 string password saved to friendpassword.txt)
rand -base64 -out C:\friendpassword.txt 128

//Delete the .rnd file that's generated?  Not sure what it is.


//Encrypt my password using my private key (encrypted password saved to a binary file - myencryptedpassword.txt)
pkeyutl -in C:\mypassword.txt -out C:\myencryptedpassword.txt -inkey C:\myprivatekey.txt -passin pass:abc123

//Encrypt friend's password using friend's private key (encrypted password saved to a binary file - friendencryptedpassword.txt)
pkeyutl -in C:\friendpassword.txt -out C:\friendencryptedpassword.txt -inkey C:\friendprivatekey.txt -passin pass:123abc


//Convert my encrypted password to base64 from binary (saved as myencryptedpasswordbase64.txt)
base64 -in C:\myencryptedpassword.txt -out C:\myencryptedpasswordbase64.txt

//Convert friend's encrypted password to base64 from binary (saved as friendencryptedpasswordbase64.txt)
base64 -in C:\friendencryptedpassword.txt -out C:\friendencryptedpasswordbase64.txt


//Create a signed hash of my password so my friend knows it's coming from me (signed hash saved as mysignedhash.txt and is in binary form)
dgst -sha256 -sign C:\myprivatekey.txt -passin pass:abc123 -out C:\mysignedhash.txt C:\myencryptedpasswordbase64.txt

//Create a signed hash of friend's password so I know it's coming from my friend (signed hash saved as friendsignedhash.txt and is in binary form)
dgst -sha256 -sign C:\friendprivatekey.txt -passin pass:123abc -out C:\friendsignedhash.txt C:\friendencryptedpasswordbase64.txt


//Convert my signed hash from binary to base64
base64 -in C:\mysignedhash.txt -out C:\mysignedhashbase64.txt

//Convert friend's signed hash from binary to base64
base64 -in C:\friendsignedhash.txt -out C:\friendsignedhashbase64.txt

//================Phase 2 - Authentication================

//Now, we reverse the process and authenticate the friend.  Let's prefix all output files with "phase2"

//I provide friend with my public key and my encrypted password 
//Friend provides me with their public key

//Convert friend's encrypted password from base64 to binary.  The output file will be the same as friendsignedhash.txt
base64 -d -in C:\friendsignedhashbase64.txt -out C:\phase2friendsignedhash.txt

//Convert friend's signed hash from base64 to binary.  The output file will be the same as C:\friendsignedhash.txt
base64 -d -in C:\friendencryptedpasswordbase64.txt -out C:\phase2friendencryptedpassword.txt

//Verify if the password originates from my friend (by checking against my friend's public key)
dgst -sha256 -verify C:\friendpublickey.txt -signature C:\phase2friendsignedhash.txt -out C:\friendresult.txt C:\phase2friendencryptedpassword.txt



1 回答 1


问题是您已签名friendencryptedpasswordbase64.txt,但正在尝试使用phase2friendencryptedpassword.txt(非 base64)进行验证。如果您使用前者进行验证,则可以完美运行!



其次,一般来说,您不希望将同一个密钥用于多种用途(即签名和加密)。 为每个功能使用一个单独的键

于 2013-07-19T00:49:15.607 回答