My data is stored in BIT field in SQL server (0 or 1) When I display it in reportviewer it shows TRUE or FALSE
I would like to change it to YES or NO Please advice.
My data is stored in BIT field in SQL server (0 or 1) When I display it in reportviewer it shows TRUE or FALSE
I would like to change it to YES or NO Please advice.
You can change it in the report using iif.
=iif(Fields!YourBool.Value, "Yes", "No")
If your data is null then it will evaluate to "No". If you want it do be blank instead use this one
=iif(isnothing(Fields!YourBool.Value), "", iif(Fields!YourBool.Value, "Yes", "No"))
and also you can display checkbox :
(change the textbox’s font to Wingdings2)
=IIf( Fields!MyBooleanField.Value, Chr(82), Chr(163))