我有一个适用于 Xcode 3.2.6 和 10.4u SDK 的旧项目...

将其移至 10.8 SDK 和 LLVM 5 时,我得到了一些未知类型:


Error: unknown type name 'Handle'
    typedef Handle OSMenuBar; // Handle to Mac Menu Bar


    typedef Handle                  OSMenuBar;                 // Handle to Mac Menu Bar
    typedef MenuRef                 OSMenu;                    // Opaque reference to Mac Menu
    typedef WindowRef               OSWindow;                  // Opaque reference to Mac Window
    typedef Handle                  OSHandle;                  // Mac Handle
    typedef ControlRef              OSControl;                 // Opaque reference to Mac Control
    typedef Ptr                     OSPtr;                     // Mac memory Ptr
    typedef SInt16                  OSFileRef;                 // Mac file reference number
    typedef IconRef                 OSIconRef;                 // Mac IconRef
    typedef FSVolumeRefNum          OSVolume;                  // Mac volume ref num
    typedef WindowClass             OSWindowClass;             // Mac WindowClass

    typedef CGContextRef            OSCGContextRef;            // Mac Quartz context ref

    typedef DataBrowserItemID       OSDataBrowserItemID;       // DataBrowser item id
    typedef DataBrowserPropertyID   OSDataBrowserPropertyID;   // DataBrowser property id
    typedef DataBrowserItemDataRef  OSDataBrowserItemDataRef;  // DataBrowserItemDataRef

#pragma warning "TODO -- No QuickDraw for what OS 10.5???"
    typedef GrafPtr                 OSGraphicsPort;            // Mac GrafPtr
    typedef GWorldPtr               OSImageList;               // Mac GWorld containing images
    typedef CIconHandle             OSColorIcon;               // Mac CIcon
    typedef Handle                  OSIconSuite;               // Mac Icon Suite Handle
    typedef PicHandle               OSPicture;                 // Mac Picture Handle
    typedef RgnHandle               OSRegion;                  // Mac Region

所有这些 TypeDef 似乎都会产生相同的未知类型错误。



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