I am trying to install my APK, which has been signed by my Production key (the same one I have always used for my app in the Play Store).

When I try to install a test build (again, signed with the production key), I can't install over the original (can install if I delete the current production build first). I am worried that when I update my app the next time that this is going to cause issues.

I get this error (this is the only relevant line in the logcat, no other output that has anything):

D/InstallAppProgress(14669): Installation error code: -25

I have updated the ADT since building with my previous release, and generate the APK for release directly out of the IDE (using the Android Tools right-click menu from the main project).

I am not changing permissions or anything. I have changed some internal libraries (using the new Support Lib for instance).


2 回答 2


Check the version number in your Manifest. If the version is less than the one on the device, you will not be able to over-install.

You can install it using adb by using the -r flag. See here http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html

于 2013-07-18T02:25:14.440 回答

This problem was caused by inconsistencies with the version number in my manifest file.

I was trying to install the new APK, that had a lower version number than the APK already installed on the device.

I increased the version number, and am able to deploy over the old version again.

于 2013-07-18T13:12:48.073 回答