I have this script and it does work it has 2 separate processes that spawn listener threads to kill the process when kill is sent to the listener via a pipe.
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
from threading import Thread
import time
subAlive = True
testAlive = True
def sub_listener(conn): #listens for kill from main
global subAlive
while True:
data = conn.recv()
if data == "kill":
subAlive = False #value for kill
def test_listener(conn): #listens for kill from main
global testAlive
while True:
data = conn.recv()
if data == "kill":
testAlive = False #value for kill
def subprocess(conn, threadNum):
t = Thread(target=sub_listener, args=(conn,))
count = 0
threadVal = threadNum
while subAlive:
print "Thread %d Run number = %d" % (threadVal, count)
count = count + 1
def testprocess(conn, threadNum):
t = Thread(target=test_listener, args=(conn,))
count = 0
threadVal = threadNum
while testAlive:
print "This is a different thread %d Run = %d" % (threadVal, count)
count = count + 1
sub_parent, sub_child = Pipe()
test_parent, test_child = Pipe()
runNum = int(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
threadNum = int(raw_input("Enter number of threads: "))
print "Starting threads"
for i in range(threadNum):
p = Process(target=subprocess, args=(sub_child, i))
print "Subprocess started"
for i in range(threadNum):
p2 = Process(target=testprocess, args=(test_child, i))
print "Testproccess started"
print "Starting run"
print "Terminating Subprocess run"
for i in range(threadNum):
sub_parent.send("kill") #sends kill to listener
print "Terminating Testprocess run"
for i in range(threadNum):
test_parent.send("kill") #sends kill to listener
Id like to not need a separate listener function hard coded for every process I call. I was thinking about passing global variables when the thread is spawned. The global variables are really the only differences between the listener functions. Thanks guys!