我正在尝试创建一个 ExtJS 应用程序来基于 XML 文件创建表面,然后能够通过鼠标在这些表面上添加精灵。我在通过参数创建表面和精灵的实际功能上遇到了一些麻烦,这些参数可以从前面列举的源中获取。当我在 JS 控制台中检查 tham 的值时,我创建的对象返回未定义。我在它报告的 JS 中没有任何错误或警告。这是代码:
Ext.ns('myNameSpace');//create namespace to hold all variables
myNameSpace = {
init: function(){//initialize namespace
function surfaceCreator(name){//create surface based on parameter
var name = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
viewBox: false
return name;
function spriteCreator(surfaceName,sprite,posX,posY){//draw sprite based on parameters
var sprite = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Sprite', {
type: 'circle',
x: posX,
y: posY,
radius: 25,
surface: surfaceName.surface,
fill: '#cc5'
var mySurface = 'mySurface';//this could be an xml value
var myCircle = 'myCircle';//this could be determined by numbering each one that is created.
var myActualSurface = surfaceCreator(mySurface);//call function to create surface and return surface name as an object
spriteCreator(myActualSurface,myCircle,20,20);//call function to create sprite on specified surface. Also, I could use the mouse coordinates to determine where the sprite should be drawn and make this trigger on 'click'.
var myWin = Ext.create('Ext.Window', {// Create a window to house the surfaces
width: 800,
resizeable: false,
height: 600,
layout: 'fit',
items: myActualSurface//This seems to be undefined somehow and I'm not sure why, as it is defined up above.
Ext.onReady(myNameSpace.init,myNameSpace);//render namespace when webpage is ready.