碰巧我在 SO 上debounce
function saveTheData() {
$.ajax(); ///
var saveTheDataDebounced = debounce(50, saveTheData);
function handleIsBeingDragged() {
// debounce - debounces a function call
// Usage: var f = debounce([guardTime, ] func);
// Where `guardTime` is the interval during which to suppress
// repeated calls, and `func` in the function to call.
// You use the returned function instead of `func` to get
// debouncing;
// Example: Debouncing a jQuery `click` event so if it happens
// more than once within a second (1,000ms), subsequent ones
// are ignored:
// $("selector").on("click", debounce(1000, function(e) {
// // Click occurred, but not within 1000ms of previous
// });
// Both `this` and arguments are passed through.
function debounce(guardTime, func) {
var last = 0;
if (typeof guardTime === "function") {
func = guardTime;
guardTime = 100;
if (!guardTime) {
throw "No function given to debounce";
if (!func) {
throw "No func given to debounce";
return function() {
var now = +new Date();
if (!last || (now - last) > guardTime) {
last = now;
return func.apply(this, arguments);