We started with one table for a project and soon realized we needed multiple tables for what we wanted to do.
We started to switch over, but now I want to get completely switched from one table to multiple.
What I have now:
| id | fname | lname | phone |
| 123 | John | Doe | 555-1234 |
| 124 | Mary | Shelly | 555-5857 |
| 125 | Jane | Doe | NULL |
| id | con_id | phone | main |
| 1 | 125 | 555-5857 | N |
So we have a few that were added and changed. Now, I need to add all the data that isn't already in the PHONE table from the CONTACT table. I do that with a temp table:
TABLE: temp
| foreign_id | phone | main |
| 123 | 555-1234 | Y |
| 124 | 555-4153 | Y |
| 125 | 555-5857 | N |
But when I add from temp to phone, I end up with duplicate entries (in the example, where contact.id = 125).
This is what I am trying to get to:
| id | fname | lname |
| 123 | John | Doe |
| 124 | Mary | Shelly |
| 125 | Jane | Doe |
| id | con_id | phone | main |
| 1 | 125 | 555-5857 | N |
| 2 | 123 | 555-1234 | Y |
| 3 | 124 | 555-4153 | Y |
Commands I've run:
create temporary table temp (select t2.id, phone from contact t2);
alter table temp add main varchar(1);
update temp set main = "Y";
insert into phone (con_id, phone, main) select id, phone, main from temp;
drop table temp;
And eventually, I'll remove the column "phone" from contact. Problem is, if there is already an entry in the table for a phone number, I'm left with duplicates. How do I prevent that?
Also, if I'm doing it wrong, I can change that too. I just figured a temp table might be the best way?