在支持linkedin社交网络后,我正在开发的一个应用程序导致了许多崩溃,唯一写的是“androidApplicationContext不能为空!” .
Aug 28 17:15:23 <S3nsat10n> has anyone run across a stacktrace like this? http://pastebin.com/QeV9D8XH Aug 28 17:15:33 <S3nsat10n> has to do with a null app context inside the apache httpclient Aug 28 17:15:38 <Hodapp> wongk: yeah, I'm just really confused about why it's doing this... Aug 28 17:15:47 <S3nsat10n> highly modified httpclient it would seem, judging my the naf.gba package stuff Aug 28 17:15:51 <S3nsat10n> Seems to be happening only on Samsung Galaxy S devices, but I don't know if that's always the case. Aug 28 17:16:48 <wongk> S3nsat10n: never see that Aug 28 17:16:50 <wongk> seen Aug 28 17:17:17 <S3nsat10n> yeah :/ Aug 28 17:17:22 <S3nsat10n> neither has most of the internet... Aug 28 17:17:23 <S3nsat10n> heh