我有以下 php 代码:
// Add the unsubscribers to an array
$unsubs = array();
foreach($unsubscribers->response->Results as $entry2) {
$unsubs[] = $entry2->EmailAddress;
// Loop through the subscribers
foreach($result->response->Results as $entry) {
echo '<tr class="'. $entry->EmailAddress.'">';
echo '<td>'. $entry->EmailAddress.'</td>';
echo '<td></td><td>';
// If the subscriber is in our unsubscriber array, output the email again
if(in_array($entry->EmailAddress, $unsubs)) {
echo $entry->EmailAddress;
echo '</td><td></td>';
echo '<td></td>';
echo '<td></td>';
echo '</tr>';
$getlists = new CS_REST_Campaigns($_POST['campaign_id'], $auth);
$getlistsresult = $wrap->get_lists_and_segments();
foreach($getlistsresult->response->Lists as $list) {
//echo $list->ListID;
$wrapcount = new CS_REST_Subscribers($list->ListID, $auth);
$resultcount = $wrapcount->get_history($entry->EmailAddress);
foreach($resultcount->response as $entrycount) {
$counts = array();
foreach($entrycount->Actions as $actions) {
if(!isset($counts[$actions->Event])) {
$counts[$actions->Event] = 0;
echo '<td>';
if ($counts['Click']){echo $counts['Click'];}
echo '</td>';
echo '<td>';
if ($counts['Bounce']){echo 'Yes';}
echo '</td>';
echo '<td>';
if ($counts['Open']){echo $counts['Open'];}
echo '</td>';