我正在尝试构建一个简单的 gsoap 客户端,但被卡住了。这是我写的代码。

    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy currproxy;

    std::string login = "kav120@aubg.bg";
    std::string password = "mypass";

    std::string from = "USD";
    std::string to = "EUR";

    _ns1__GetLatestRate* getrate = new _ns1__GetLatestRate;
    getrate->SingleCurrencyFrom = &from;
    getrate->SingleCurrencyTo = &to;
    getrate->Password = &password;
    getrate->UserID = &login;

    _ns1__GetLatestRateResponse* resp = new _ns1__GetLatestRateResponse;

    if (currproxy.GetLatestRate(getrate, resp) == SOAP_OK)

        std::cout << "Works";

    else {
        std::cout << currproxy.error;


class SOAP_CMAC CurrencyRatesSoapProxy : public soap
{ public:
    /// Endpoint URL of service 'CurrencyRatesSoapProxy' (change as needed)
    const char *soap_endpoint;
    /// Constructor
    /// Construct from another engine state
    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy(const struct soap&);
    /// Constructor with endpoint URL
    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy(const char *url);
    /// Constructor with engine input+output mode control
    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy(soap_mode iomode);
    /// Constructor with URL and input+output mode control
    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy(const char *url, soap_mode iomode);
    /// Constructor with engine input and output mode control
    CurrencyRatesSoapProxy(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);
    /// Destructor frees deserialized data
    virtual ~CurrencyRatesSoapProxy();
    /// Initializer used by constructors
    virtual void CurrencyRatesSoapProxy_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);
    /// Delete all deserialized data (with soap_destroy and soap_end)
    virtual void destroy();
    /// Delete all deserialized data and reset to default
    virtual void reset();
    /// Disables and removes SOAP Header from message
    virtual void soap_noheader();
    /// Get SOAP Header structure (NULL when absent)
    virtual const SOAP_ENV__Header *soap_header();
    /// Get SOAP Fault structure (NULL when absent)
    virtual const SOAP_ENV__Fault *soap_fault();
    /// Get SOAP Fault string (NULL when absent)
    virtual const char *soap_fault_string();
    /// Get SOAP Fault detail as string (NULL when absent)
    virtual const char *soap_fault_detail();
    /// Close connection (normally automatic, except for send_X ops)
    virtual int soap_close_socket();
    /// Force close connection (can kill a thread blocked on IO)
    virtual int soap_force_close_socket();
    /// Print fault
    virtual void soap_print_fault(FILE*);
#ifndef WITH_LEAN
    /// Print fault to stream
    virtual void soap_stream_fault(std::ostream&);

    /// Put fault into buffer
    virtual char *soap_sprint_fault(char *buf, size_t len);

    /// Web service operation 'GetLatestRate' (returns error code or SOAP_OK)
    virtual int GetLatestRate(_ns1__GetLatestRate *ns1__GetLatestRate, _ns1__GetLatestRateResponse *ns1__GetLatestRateResponse) { return this->GetLatestRate(NULL, NULL, ns1__GetLatestRate, ns1__GetLatestRateResponse); }
    virtual int GetLatestRate(const char *endpoint, const char *soap_action, _ns1__GetLatestRate *ns1__GetLatestRate, _ns1__GetLatestRateResponse *ns1__GetLatestRateResponse);

ns1 _GetLatestRateResponse:

    class SOAP_CMAC _ns1__GetLatestRate
    std::string *UnregisteredUserEmail; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
    std::string *UserID;    /* optional element of type xsd:string */
    std::string *Password;  /* optional element of type xsd:string */
    std::string *SingleCurrencyFrom;    /* optional element of type xsd:string */
    std::string *SingleCurrencyTo;  /* optional element of type xsd:string */
    struct soap *soap;  /* transient */
    virtual int soap_type() const { return 35; } /* = unique id SOAP_TYPE__ns1__GetLatestRate */
    virtual void soap_default(struct soap*);
    virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap*) const;
    virtual int soap_put(struct soap*, const char*, const char*) const;
    virtual int soap_out(struct soap*, const char*, int, const char*) const;
    virtual void *soap_get(struct soap*, const char*, const char*);
    virtual void *soap_in(struct soap*, const char*, const char*);
             _ns1__GetLatestRate() { _ns1__GetLatestRate::soap_default(NULL); }
    virtual ~_ns1__GetLatestRate() { }

我不知道,我做错了什么,但我收到错误 12 和“未提供用户标识符”流错误。像这样:

SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client[no subcode]
"No user identifier provided"
Detail: [no detail]



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