我是编程新手和 python 新手。我刚刚开发了我的第一个脚本,它处理文件,但目前只能从命令行。


我花了几天时间试图了解python gui开发并得出结论,我一定是愚蠢的。

我看过 wxpython & Tkinter & 也不明白,尽管 Tkinter 似乎是两者中更容易的。我什至看过像 Boa Contrictor 和 wxglade 这样的所见即所得工具。我什至不明白如何使用这些。无论如何,我宁愿手动坚持使用我的编辑器和代码。


我想创建一个包含 1 个或两个对象的桌面窗口,具体取决于最适合的对象。如果只有一个对象,则为某种文本框,如果为 2 个对象,则为文本框和图像。






- - 编辑 - -

我一直在玩 2 个示例,并设法将 2 个示例混在一起,以获得我想要的工作。代码如下。它尚未清理(旧评论等......),但它有效。


# The next two lines are not necessary if you installed TkDnd
# in a proper place.

import os
from Tkinter import *
os.environ['TKDND_LIBRARY'] = '/home/clinton/Python/tkdnd2.6/'

import Tkinter
from untested_tkdnd_wrapper import TkDND

class Redir(object):
    # This is what we're using for the redirect, it needs a text box
    def __init__(self, textbox):
        self.textbox = textbox
        self.fileno = sys.stdout.fileno

    def write(self, message):
        # When you set this up as redirect it needs a write method as the
        # stdin/out will be looking to write to somewhere!
        self.textbox.insert(END, str(message))

root = Tkinter.Tk()

dnd = TkDND(root)

textbox = Tkinter.Text()

def handle(event):
    event.widget.insert(END, event.data)
    content = textbox.get("0.0",Tkinter.END)
    filename = content.split()

dnd.bindtarget(textbox, handle, 'text/uri-list')

#Set up the redirect 
stdre = Redir(textbox)
# Redirect stdout, stdout is where the standard messages are ouput
sys.stdout = stdre
# Redirect stderr, stderr is where the errors are printed too!
sys.stderr = stdre
# Print hello so we can see the redirect is working!
print "hello"
# Start the application mainloop

示例是:python 将资源管理器文件拖放到 tkinter 条目小部件

还有 Noelkd 提供的示例。

为了使此代码正常工作,您必须从第一个示例创建包装器。目前代码也只是在窗口中显示拖动的文件,但是变量已经到位,可以传递给在 gui 界面后面运行的脚本。


2 回答 2


如果你想使用 Tkinter:

from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog 

class Redir(object):
    # This is what we're using for the redirect, it needs a text box
    def __init__(self, textbox):
        self.textbox = textbox
        self.fileno = sys.stdout.fileno

    def write(self, message):
        # When you set this up as redirect it needs a write method as the
        # stdin/out will be looking to write to somewhere!
        self.textbox.insert(END, str(message))

def askopenfilename():
    """ Prints the selected files name """
    # get filename, this is the bit that opens up the dialog box this will
    # return a string of the file name you have clicked on.
    filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
    if filename:
        # Will print the file name to the text box
        print filename

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Make the root window
    root = Tk()

    # Make a button to get the file name
    # The method the button executes is the askopenfilename from above
    # You don't use askopenfilename() because you only want to bind the button
    # to the function, then the button calls the function.
    button = Button(root, text='GetFileName', command=askopenfilename)
    # this puts the button at the top in the middle
    button.grid(row=1, column=1)

    # Make a scroll bar so we can follow the text if it goes off a single box
    scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, orient=VERTICAL)
    # This puts the scrollbar on the right handside
    scrollbar.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=N+S+E)

    # Make a text box to hold the text
    textbox = Text(root,font=("Helvetica",8),state=DISABLED, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set, wrap=WORD)
    # This puts the text box on the left hand side
    textbox.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=N+S+W+E)

    # Configure the scroll bar to stroll with the text box!

    #Set up the redirect 
    stdre = Redir(textbox)
    # Redirect stdout, stdout is where the standard messages are ouput
    sys.stdout = stdre
    # Redirect stderr, stderr is where the errors are printed too!
    sys.stderr = stdre
    # Print hello so we can see the redirect is working!
    print "hello"
    # Start the application mainloop


目前在 Tkinter 中,您无法将文件拖放到打开的 tk 窗口中(如果您使用tkdnd则可以),因此我提供了另一种获取文件路径的方法。

我选择文件的方法是来自 tkFileDialog 的 askopenfilename 对话框,这会打开一个文件浏览器,并且选择的路径文件作为字符串返回。


于 2013-07-17T12:33:57.960 回答


如果 oyu 还在使用 Python2,我认为你应该使用PyGTK但它已被 gl 取代(在上面的教程中有描述)。PyGTK 的一个很好的教程可以在这里找到。

对于静态接口,您可以使用glade生成 XML 文件,然后由 GTKBuilder 读取这些文件以创建“真实”接口。我发现的第一个教程可以在这里找到

于 2013-07-17T11:51:36.857 回答