Can you please spend ur time 4 this and help me as it is a big project if we do mistakes noe we will repeat the same mistake in next 3 years.

we are starting a new big project in asp.net mvc4, Html5 and CSS3 (We preffer these Because our application should target tablet, desktop, mobile). So I feel bec its new we can better start with code first approach(latest) like first creating classes and prepare db(sql express) and deploy well and also we have support of EF migrations, So I think that way the proj become more successful and maintainable easily. But the small concern with the manager, I dont know whether he is correct or iam wrong bec he has good experience in working but he is also new to MVC. below is my query ive explained pls look into this,

-Database with tables are ready. -Now we have to start the project. (I think we can do code first reverse engineering and start) But, For that our manager asked our team to prefer and write stored procedures, and use asp.net mvc 4? My question is, is it the right way to do the project with that combination? Why am asking you is I have been watching videos/tutorials through online they never said the samples with that combination and all are saying with out using stored procedures, is it any problem like performance we will not get as we are using storedprocedures through EF OR because we are using stored procedures in backend we will get performance and maintaing easily as our PM says,

Iam totally confused???? please help me in this if you have solution.


2 回答 2


在 MVC 中使用存储过程没有任何问题,你可以去做。关于您的性能问题,值得一读。

如果控制器不依赖于数据访问层的实现,那么无论您使用 EF 还是存储过程,都可以。

Darin Dimitrov已经在这里解释过了。

于 2013-07-17T11:01:47.453 回答

该视频不代表使用存储过程的示例,因为它们不需要存储过程!SP 的所有结果都可以通过 EF 轻松实现,并且花费更少的精力和时间。

但是,您应该考虑 3 件事:

1)看来你们都是EF的新手。因此,使用 EF 对您的项目来说是一个潜在的技术风险!

2) 请记住,EF 会给您的应用程序带来一些开销,如果您正在创建一个可以处理大量数据或应该一次处理许多请求的应用程序,那么您最好继续使用 SP。

3)另一方面,如果您熟悉 EF,由于其有用的抽象和约定,它将极大地快速和轻松地推进您的项目。


于 2013-07-22T14:16:32.280 回答