我见过很多可以捕捉页面内元素/对象的 x 和 y 位置的脚本。但是当网页在正文或其他元素、绝对/相对元素等使用边距时,我总是无法捕捉 x 和 y。



4 回答 4


我使用以下代码移动 div 框以跟随此Web IME 站点中的光标

function xy(x) {
    o = document.getElementById(x);
    var l =o.offsetLeft; var t = o.offsetTop;
    while (o=o.offsetParent)
        l += o.offsetLeft;
    o = document.getElementById(x);
    while (o=o.offsetParent)
        t += o.offsetTop;
    return [l,t];

它返回一个数组 [left,top],

于 2009-11-20T10:35:45.227 回答

获取确切位置只需将 offsetLefts 和 offsetTops 递归地添加到offsetParents中:

function getPos(ele){
    var x=0;
    var y=0;
        x += ele.offsetLeft;
        y += ele.offsetTop;
        if(ele.offsetParent === null){
        ele = ele.offsetParent;
    return [x, y];


于 2013-05-25T18:51:22.843 回答

offsetParent和其他偏移函数是旧的......使用getBoundingClientRect 函数......使用这个:

function getAbsPosition(element) {
   var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
   return {x:rect.left,y:rect.top}


<div style="margin:50px;padding:50px;" id="myEl">lol</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var coords = getAbsPosition( document.getElementById('myEl') );
    alert( coords.x );alert( coords.y );


于 2016-11-21T16:01:26.110 回答

YOU's code is downright bad, and I've some improvements on Pacerier's to give, so I'll post my own answer:

function getPos(el, rel)
    var x=0, y=0;
    do {
        x += el.offsetLeft;
        y += el.offsetTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;
    while (el != rel)
    return {x:x, y:y};

If is just used as getPos(myElem) will return global position. If a second element is included as an argument (i.e. getPos(myElem, someAncestor)) that is an ancestor/parent of the first (at least somewhere up the chain) then it will give the position relative to that ancestor. If rel is not given (i.e. is left undefined), then it purposefully uses != instead of !== because it should stop when el gets to null and rel is undefined as well, so the non-strict equality is purposeful, don't change it. It also returns an object, since that's a bit more readable in usage than an array (and so you can do something like getPos().x).

This is derived from Pacerier's solution, so if you're gonna upvote this, consider upvoting his too.

于 2016-02-15T19:44:47.980 回答