我正在关注这个[ http://keepsafe.github.io/2014/11/19/building-a-custom-overflow-menu.html]教程,但它没有提到改变宽度的方法
所以我也在寻找相同的答案并一直在寻找,Stackoverflow 上的所有问题都没有答案。最后,我不得不挖掘 developer.google.com 以找出方法。
你会发现一个真正完成我们工作的方法 setContentWidth(int width)。
//.......... Something on top
// Try to force some horizontal offset
try {
Field fListPopup = menuHelper.getClass().getDeclaredField("mPopup");
Object listPopup = fListPopup.get(menuHelper);
argTypes = new Class[] { int.class };
Class listPopupClass = listPopup.getClass();
// Get the width of the popup window
int width = (Integer) listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("getWidth").invoke(listPopup);
// Invoke setHorizontalOffset() with the negative width to move left by that distance
listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("setHorizontalOffset", argTypes).invoke(listPopup, -width);
/*********** THIS LINE DOSE OUR WORK and increases the width of OverFlow Menu ******/
listPopupClass.getDeclaredMethod("setContentWidth", argTypes).invoke(listPopup, width+200);
// Invoke show() to update the window's position
} catch (Exception e) {
// Again, an exception here indicates a programming error rather than an exceptional condition
// at runtime
Log.w("Soemthing", "Unable to force offset", e);

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