在异步刷新网格期间,我遇到了类似的“PageMap 要求提供它没有的范围”的问题。我在 ExtJS 4.2.1 代码中发现了一些错误来源,并创建了对我有用的简单覆盖。你可以试试它是否适合你。我会很高兴收到您的反馈。
Ext.override(Ext.view.Table, {
getRecord: function (node) {
node = this.getNode(node);
if (node) {
var recordIndex = node.getAttribute('data-recordIndex');
if (recordIndex) {
recordIndex = parseInt(recordIndex, 10);
if (recordIndex > -1) {
// Eliminates one of sources of "PageMap asked for range which it does not have" error
if (this.store.getCount() > 0) {
return this.store.data.getAt(recordIndex);
return this.dataSource.data.get(node.getAttribute('data-recordId'));
renderRow: function (record, rowIdx, out) {
var me = this,
isMetadataRecord = rowIdx === -1,
selModel = me.selModel,
rowValues = me.rowValues,
itemClasses = rowValues.itemClasses,
rowClasses = rowValues.rowClasses,
rowTpl = me.rowTpl;
rowValues.record = record;
rowValues.recordId = record.internalId;
rowValues.recordIndex = rowIdx;
rowValues.rowId = me.getRowId(record);
rowValues.itemCls = rowValues.rowCls = '';
if (!rowValues.columns) {
rowValues.columns = me.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns();
itemClasses.length = rowClasses.length = 0;
if (!isMetadataRecord) {
itemClasses[0] = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row";
if (selModel && selModel.isRowSelected) {
var storeRows = this.getStore().getCount();
// Eliminates one of sources of "PageMap asked for range which it does not have" error
if (rowIdx + 1 < storeRows) {
if (selModel.isRowSelected(rowIdx + 1)) {
if (selModel.isRowSelected(record)) {
if (me.stripeRows && rowIdx % 2 !== 0) {
if (me.getRowClass) {
cls = me.getRowClass(record, rowIdx, null, me.dataSource);
if (cls) {
if (out) {
rowTpl.applyOut(rowValues, out);
} else {
return rowTpl.apply(rowValues);