i don't see why you can't just pass the info in or define a single global, but i think that would be best.
that said, i am working on a Module maker/runner that allows sloppy/dangerous code to execute without interference to the host environment. that provides the opportunity to re-define variables, which can be passed as an object.
this does use eval (Function() technically) but it can run in "use strict", so it's not too crazy/clever.
it doesn't leave behind artifacts.
it also won't let globals get hurt.
it's still a work in progress, and i need to iron out a couple minor details before i vouch for security, so don't use it for fort knox or anything, but it's working and stable enough to perform the operation asked for.
tested in ch28, FF22, IE10:
function Module(strCode, blnPreventExtensions, objWhitelist, objExtend) {
var __proto__=self.__proto__, pbu=self.__proto__, str=strCode, om=[].map, wasFN=false,
params = {Object:1}, fnScrubber, natives= [ Object, Array, RegExp, String, Boolean, Date] ,
nativeSlots = [],
preamble = "'use strict';" ,
late = inherited +
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(__proto__||{}) + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window);
late.split(",").sort().map(function(a) {
this[a] = 1;
}, params);
preamble+=";var "+inherited+";";
//turn functions into strings, but note that a function was passed
if(str.call){wasFN=true; str=String(str); delete params.Object; }
var vals=Object.keys(objExtend).map(function(k){ return objExtend[k]; })
// build a usable clone of Object for all the new OOP methods it provides:
var fakeOb=Object.bind();
if(Object[a] && Object[a].bind){this[a]=Object[a].bind(Object); } return this;
//allow "eval" and "arguments" since strict throws if you formalize them and eval is now presumed safe.
delete params.eval;
delete params.arguments;
Object.keys(objWhitelist||{}).map(function ripper(a,b){
if(typeof b!=='object'){
delete this[a];
}, params);
// var ok=Object.keys.bind(Object);
// prevent new prototype methods from being added to native constructors:
if (blnPreventExtensions) {
natives.forEach(function(con, i) {
var proto=con.prototype;
if(proto[prop] && proto[prop].bind ){ this[prop]=proto[prop];}
}, nativeSlots[i] = {});
delete con.constructor;
delete con.prototype.constructor;
}); //end con map()
} /* end if(blnPreventExtensions) */
//white-list harmless math utils and prevent hijacking:
delete params.Math;
//prevent literal constructors from getting Function ref (eg: [].constructor.constructor, /./.constructor.constructor, etc...):
Function.prototype.constructor = null;
try {
//generate a private wrapper function to evaluate code:
var response = Function(
Object.keys(objExtend) + (vals.length?",":"") +
Object.keys(params).filter(/./.test, /^[\w\$]+$/), // localize most globals
preamble + " return " + str.trim() // cram code into a function body with global-blocking formal parameters
// call it with a blank this object and only user-supplied arguments:
if (blnPreventExtensions) { //( user-land code must run inside here to be secure)
response = response.apply({}, vals.concat(fakeOb)).apply({}, [].slice.call(arguments,4) );
response = response.apply({}, vals.concat(fakeOb));
} catch (y) {
response = y + "!!";
} /* end try/catch */
if (blnPreventExtensions) {
om.call(natives, function(con, i) {
var pro=con.prototype;
//remove all proto methods for this con to censor any additions made by unsafe code:
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(pro).map(function(a){ try{delete pro[a];}catch(y){}});
//restore all original props from the backup:
var bu = nativeSlots[i];
om.call(Object.keys(bu), function(prop){ con.prototype[prop]=bu[prop]; }, bu);
}); //end con map()
} /* end if(blnPreventExtensions) */
//restore hidden Function constructor property:
Function.prototype.constructor = Function;
return response;
} /* end Module() */
function doSomething(context, fn){
return myVariable;
//use 1:
alert( Module(doSomething, true, {console:1}, {myVariable: "value123"} ) );// immed
var fn=Module(doSomething, false, {console:1}, {myVariable: "value123"} );// as function
again, i think OP would be best off not doing things later than need be, but for the sake of comprehensiveness and inspiration i'm putting this out there in good faith.