I have a poll which has an undefined number of options (it can have only 2 options, but it can also have 10 or 20 or more options to choose from). I need to store the current vote count in MySQL table. I can't think of a centralized way of storing them except: Create a field vote_count and store a serialized array of voting options mapped to counts. When new vote data comes in this field is read, unserialized, appropriate values are incremented, then field is written to. This needs 2 queries and there might be 5 or more votes incoming per second.
So I need a way to store voting counts for an unknown number of voting options and be able to quickly access it (I need up to date counts for every option displayed on the voting page) and quickly update it (when new votes come in). It has to be within MySQL table. There is no "upper" limit for the number of voting options.