我在 perl 中编写了一个脚本来制作附加图像的多部分 MIME 消息这里是脚本
use MIME::Parser;
use FileHandle;
$ffh = FileHandle->new;
if ( $ffh->open(">m2.txt") ) {
#print <$fh>;
### Create an entity:
$top = MIME::Entity->build(
From => 'me@myhost.com',
To => 'you@yourhost.com',
Subject => "Hello, nurse!",
Data => "How are you today"
### Attach stuff to it:
Path => "im.jpg",
Type => "image/jpg",
Encoding => "base64"
### Output it:
use MIME::Parser;
use FileHandle;
$fh = FileHandle->new;
if ( $fh->open("<m2.txt") ) {
#print <$fh>;
### Create parser, and set some parsing options:
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
### Parse input:
$entity = $parser->parse($fh) or die "parse failed\n";
print $entity->head->get('subject');
print $entity->head->get('from');
print $entity->head->get('to');
print $entity->head->get('cc');
print $entity->head->get('date');
print $entity->head->get('content-type');
my $parts = $entity->parts(1);
my $body = $parts->bodyhandle;
print $parts->head->get('content-type');
$ffh = FileHandle->new;
if ( $ffh->open(">C:/Users/Aamer/Desktop/im.jpg") ) {