我正在编写一个代码,该代码通过一个给定的单元格范围,每个循环都有一个。如果这些调用不满足带有“for each”的 if 语句,我需要将该单元格的范围写在另一张纸上。例如:单元格 A20 和 A36 不符合,所以我想在另一张纸上写 A20 和 36。这样,我将列出所有需要注意的单元格。下面是我的代码:

    r = 5
    Set sht1 = Sheets("DataSheet")
    Set sht2 = Sheets("DiscrepancyReport")
On Error GoTo DiscrepancySheetError
On Error GoTo DataSheetError
On Error GoTo 0

        lastr = ActiveSheet.range("A1").Offset(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
        lastr = lastr - 1

'Column 1: WP
        Set colrg = range("A3:A" & lastr)
            For Each cell In colrg
                If (cell.Value) = 6.01 Or (cell.Value) = 6.03 Or (cell.Value) = 3.04 Or (cell.Value) = 6.27 Then
                    '## The following line makes no sense but i wrote it so you understand what i want to do
                    currentcell.range.Copy Destination:=sht2.range("A" & r)
                    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
                        ActiveCell.Value = "Not a valid WP"
                    r = r + 1
                End If



3 回答 3


我假设您想将“Not a valid WP”放入 DataSheet,并且无需使用 Copy:

Sub CollectRanges()
    r = 5
    Set sht1 = Sheets("DataSheet")
    Set sht2 = Sheets("DiscrepancyReport")
'On Error GoTo DiscrepancySheetError
'On Error GoTo DataSheetError
On Error GoTo 0

        lastr = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
        lastr = lastr - 1

'Column 1: WP
        Set colrg = Range("A3:A" & lastr)
            For Each cell In colrg
                If (cell.Value) = 6.01 Or (cell.Value) = 6.03 Or (cell.Value) = 3.04 Or (cell.Value) = 6.27 Then
                    sht2.Cells(r, 1).Value = cell.Address
                    cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Not a valid WP"
                    r = r + 1
                End If
End Sub
于 2013-07-16T19:35:06.167 回答

Here is an updated code of Andy's and Santosh's code -

Sub test()

Dim sht1 As Worksheet
Dim sht2 As Worksheet
Dim r As Long, lastr As Long

r = 3
Set sht1 = Sheets("DataSheet")
Set sht2 = Sheets("DiscrepancyReport")

With sht1
    lastr = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If lastr < 3 Then lastr = 3

    Set colrg = Range("A3:A" & lastr)
End With

For Each cell In colrg
    If (cell.Value) <> 6.01 Or (cell.Value) <> 6.03 Or (cell.Value) <> 3.04 Or (cell.Value) <> 6.27 Then
       '## The following line makes no sense but i wrote it so you understand what i want to do
        sht2.Range("A" & r).value=Replace(cell.Address, "$", "")

        'Comment the appropriate one below

        'If you want this to be written in the 2nd sheet, below is the code, else comment it.
        sht2.Range("B" & r) = "Not a valid WP"

        'If you want this to be written in the 1st sheet, below is the code, else comment it.
        cell.offset(0,1).value = "Not a valid WP"
        r = r + 1
    End If

End Sub

Hope this helps.

于 2013-07-17T09:52:19.743 回答

这是假设您的数据从第 3 行开始的更新代码。
避免在代码中使用 Select / Activate。参考这个链接

Sub test()

    Dim sht1 As Worksheet
    Dim sht2 As Worksheet
    Dim r As Long, lastr As Long

    r = 3
    Set sht1 = Sheets("DataSheet")
    Set sht2 = Sheets("DiscrepancyReport")

    With sht1
        lastr = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        If lastr < 3 Then lastr = 3

        Set colrg = Range("A3:A" & lastr)
    End With

    For Each cell In colrg
        If (cell.Value) = 6.01 Or (cell.Value) = 6.03 Or (cell.Value) = 3.04 Or (cell.Value) = 6.27 Then
            '## The following line makes no sense but i wrote it so you understand what i want to do
            cell.Copy Destination:=sht2.Range("A" & r)
            sht2.Range("B" & r) = "Not a valid WP"
            r = r + 1
        End If

End Sub
于 2013-07-16T19:28:41.610 回答