<script type="text/javascript">
//This block of javascript checks if the current page is opened in a popup IFrame
//and if this is true - closes popup and reloads parent window.
//We use Popup template for popup windows and only this template is accepted for popups. A window with any other template will be closed immidiately.
//This also solves the problem with redirecting to parent after user has logged in via Login popup. After loggin in user is redirected back to My Account page
//which in turn uses Audio template thus immidiately gets closed and parent gets reloaded.
if (self != top) {
$("body").empty(); //also clears body to avoid showing page content while the page is closing
这就是为什么我猜它不会在你的 iframe 中加载网站的原因。不是每个人都喜欢将他们的网站显示在 iframe 中的其他网站上的想法。我会说他们只想要真正的访客。