I'm trying to get Python to send the EOF signal (Ctrl+D) via Popen(). Unfortunately, I can't find any kind of reference for Popen() signals on *nix-like systems. Does anyone here know how to send an EOF signal like this? Also, is there any reference of acceptable signals to be sent?


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EOF并不是你可以提出的真正信号,它是每个通道的异常情况。(按Ctrl+D表示交互输入结束实际上是终端驱动程序的一个功能。当您在新行的开头按此组合键时,终端驱动程序会告诉操作系统内核输入流上没有进一步的输入可用。 )

通常,在管道上发出信号的正确方法EOF是关闭写入通道。假设您创建了 Popen 对象stdin=PIPE,看起来您应该能够做到这一点。

于 2013-07-18T00:12:31.433 回答