After a sleepness night I discovered something about this question which I think is fundamentally mind boggling, at least to me.

Mouse coordinates ARE NOT PRECISE (I guess at a high speed of processing where the whole canvas has to be recreated when movement occurs) as in my codes above. I have tested this code piece by piece and discovered that the problem is not in my loop, but in the precision of

if ((newMouseX !== mouseX) && (newMouseY !== mouseY)).

If you tested this part of code by slower times (which will allow your eyes to detect the difference in coordinates when 'it stops', then you will realise that newMouseX & mouseX are off by 1-2 pixel 90% of the time, > 2 pixel 9% of the time, and only equal about 1% of the time. (I did not measure the statistics but that is what I picked on several rounds of testing).

I can't get it to work in fiddle but I think you can copy it to your testing ground to see what I mean. If you can get it to work in fiddle it would be great so experts can give it a short :)

This means that the mouse is considered to be 'moving' by my code even when it should have 'stopped', and thus 'stops' several times in between, therefore calling the loop too many times in a second, which is the problem I have been having.

I would be happy to hear comments from other experts, including those who can test this and come up with a statistical precision/advice.

My advice, and solution for the moment, is to consider movement when the difference is more than 10 pixels of either coordinates. Of course this presents a problem, but I can leave with that until some better solution comes up.

so instead of

if ((newMouseX !== mouseX) && (newMouseY !== mouseY))

i have used

if (( Math.abs(newMouseX - mouseX) > 10) || ( Math.abs(newMouseY != mouseY) > 10) )

Another thing to consider is how to deal with the mouse position when it goes off my target canvas area... that looks like an infinite movement at the moment!

The Question:

How can I get the precise mouse coordinates so I can compare mouseX & newMouseX?



2 回答 2



但是,这不是您的代码和场景的问题。你只是在听mousemove事件。根据定义,它只会在您移动鼠标时引发事件 - 因此新的鼠标位置永远不会与前一个位置相同。那是不可能的,应该关闭 100%(除非你触发了两个以上的动作,在你检查之前最后一个回到拳头位置)。


您可以做出妥协并定义什么是开始,什么是停止,即。如果鼠标在 x 毫秒后没有移动,则将其视为停止(开始将在第一次移动时)。





var canvasRect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();


另一种方法是监听 canvas 元素上的mouseleavemouseenter事件。



这也适用于mousemove事件。使用 window 事件将允许您记录画布外的位置。如果您不想这样做,您可以使用 canvas'mousemove它将在画布的边界处剪辑。



如果可以的话 - 你也可以通过我的easyCanvas 项目进行测试并运行示例:
示例 - 鼠标事件详细信息

这将向您显示鼠标向下、移动和向上的详细信息(详细信息与其他信息一起扩展,但您至少可以验证鼠标位置 - 在不移动的情况下单击,您会看到鼠标位置完全相同)。

于 2013-07-16T14:39:16.797 回答



   var pageCoords = "( " + e.pageX + ", " + e.pageY + " )";
  var clientCoords = "( " + e.clientX + ", " + e.clientY + " )";
  $("span:first").text("( e.pageX, e.pageY ) : " + pageCoords);
  $("span:last").text("( e.clientX, e.clientY ) : " + clientCoords);
于 2013-07-16T14:01:02.050 回答