标题是愚蠢的,因为我和这个标题一样:) 我不知道这是否可能,但我不得不问.. 我在 Angularjs 中使用带有 JSON 的 ng-repeat,我得到的是一个包含这些值的列表..

     <li class="name">Nokia</li>
     <li class="name">Nokia</li>
     <li class="name">Nokia</li>
     <li class="name">ZTE</li>
     <li class="name">ZTE</li>
     <li class="name">Samsung</li>
     <li class="name">Samsung</li>
     <li class="name">ZTE</li>


 <li class="name">Nokia</li>
 <li class="name">ZTE</li>
 <li class="name">Samsung</li>

现在我不知道,我用 jQuery 尝试了一些东西但没有成功......我的问题是,这是否可能,如果是,有什么建议吗?

好的,所以你们要求查看我的 JSON,但 @nnnnnn 已经解决了我的问题。这只是我一直在使用的 JSON 的一部分...如果我的结构不好,您可以随意说; )

var store = [
                        "category": "mobile",
                        "description": "Mobile Phones",
                        "products" : 

                            {"manufacturer": "Nokia", "name":"Nokia 301", "price": 100, "quantity": 0, "img": "nokia301-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "ZTE", "name":"ZTE FTV", "price": 300, "quantity": 0, "img": "zteftv-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "ZTE", "name":"ZTE Blade 3", "price": 500, "quantity": 0, "img": "zteblade3-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "Sony", "name":"Sony Xperia E", "price": 600, "quantity": 0, "img": "sonyxperiae-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "Samsung", "name":"Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus", "price": 300, "quantity": 0, "img": "samsunggalaxyaceplus-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "ZTE", "name":"ZTE Blade G", "price": 350, "quantity": 0, "img": "ztebladeg-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "LG", "name":"LG Optimus L7 II", "price": 600, "quantity": 0, "img": "lgoptimusl7ii-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "HTC", "name":"HTC Desire X", "price": 500, "quantity": 0, "img": "htcdesirex-front"},
                            {"manufacturer": "Nokia", "name":"Nokia Lumia 620", "price": 500, "quantity": 0, "img": "nokialumia620-front"}
                        "category": "laptop",
                        "description": "Laptops",
                        "products" : 
                                {"name":"Asus X55A", "price": 400, "quantity": 0, "img": "asusx55a-front"},
                                {"name":"Samsung Series 9", "price": 500, "quantity": 0, "img": "samsungseries9-front"}
                        "category": "tablets",
                        "description": "Tablet Devices",
                        "products" : 
                            {"name":"Prestigio Touch", "price": 270, "quantity": 0, "img": "prestigiotouch-front"},
                            {"name":"Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0", "price": 400, "quantity": 0, "img": "samsunggalaxytab270-front"},
                            {"name":"Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1", "price": 430, "quantity": 0, "img": "samsunggalaxynote101-front"}

3 回答 3


If it were my code I would remove the duplicates from the data before creating any html elements. However, since you have not shown any JavaScript or the JSON structure all I can give you is a way to remove the duplicates from the html:

var names = {};
$("ul li").filter(function() {
    var name = $(this).text();
    if (name in names)
        return true;
    names[name] = true;
    return false;

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/C88Uj/

If you're not sure how the jQuery functions I've used work, you know where to look.

于 2013-07-16T12:59:54.047 回答

一个纯粹而愚蠢的 jQuery 解决方案:

var names = [];
$("ul li").each(function(){
    if($.inArray($(this).text(), names) != -1){

在这个 jsfiddle 中试试


于 2013-07-16T12:59:44.457 回答

您还可以使用 Angular-UI 提供的独特过滤器

    <li ng-repeat="item in items | unique:attribute">{{ item.attribute }}</li>


于 2013-07-16T13:25:26.440 回答