I have 2 servers on different geographical locations Singapore and India.
I need to connect server 1 from a php script at server 2. script looks like this:
echo microtime(true)."\n";
$con = mysql_pconnect('server1','username','password');
$db = mysql_select_db('database_name',$con);
echo microtime(true)."\n";
$q = "select * from tablename where id='35'";
$result = mysql_query($q);
echo microtime(true)."\n";
The out put of this script is like this:
As you can see the time between the 2nd and 3rd is around 2 seconds, which means mysql_pconnect is taking more 2 seconds. And time between 3rd and 4th(select query) is very less.
Also if I run this script on server1 connecting it to server1 itself it takes 20 ms.
Can't figure out why connection time is soo long. I have also tried some things like skip-name-resolve and persistent connections. but :(
How can I debug this thing???