public class ArrayStackImpl<AnyType> implements Stack<AnyType>
// large array limit to store the stack
public final int LIMIT = 10000000;
// the actual storage with a pointer to the top of the stack
private AnyType[] vals = (AnyType[]) new Object[LIMIT];
private int topPointer = -1;
// return the top of the stack by pointing to top point
public AnyType top()
return vals[topPointer];
// return the top and reduce the top pointer
public AnyType pop()
AnyType tmp = top();
return tmp;
// increase the top pointer and add the data
public void push(AnyType data)
vals[topPointer] = data;
// returns true if the stack is empty
public boolean empty()
return topPointer == -1;
public void stackArrange(ArrayList list1, ArrayList list2)
ArrayStackImpl<Integer> s = new ArrayStackImpl<Integer>();
if (list1.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array is Empty");
if (s.empty()) {
s.push((Integer) list1.get(list1.size() - 1));
for (int i = list1.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
int e = (Integer) list1.get(i);
if (e >= {
while (!s.empty()) {
else {
我在弹出元素时遇到问题。如果元素大于然后,我需要比较堆栈中的元素,弹出堆栈中的元素并压入当前元素。so 比如从这个arraylist的后面留 1, 4, 3, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4 如果栈是空的,把4压入栈6大于4所以pop 4,把6压入栈. 3 小于 push 3 入栈。7 大于 3,所以 pop 3 和 pop 6 使用 while 循环。