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Well, Here is what I found. Custom headers in asana are tasks that have a colon at the end. Asana then knows to treat them like labels, but it still comes in as a task in the query call. I had to write,

var lastChar = task.substr(task.length -1);
if (lastChar != ":"){
    //basically don't include it as a task.

I was already manually pushing each task to my own array one by one so I could attach it to it's project, so I just made it to where it doesn't push the tasks with colons on the end. I did not understand when I posted question what made it a custom header. edit from first post: I have a custom header which Someone else created. It just seemed easier to say I made it. When I talked to the guy who made it he told me what it was he did, and then I was able to figure out what made it different than a task and exclude it.

于 2013-07-17T18:27:25.143 回答