I have this query that creates a hierarchy of Categories. It works great. Now I'm trying to control the Display order based on the Depth. For example I have a Category Called 'Cat'. It has two sub categories called 'Sub Cat 1' and 'Sub Cat 2'. Is it possible to sort the sub categories by Display Order and Depth? So the order will be ‘Sub Cat 2’ then ‘Sub Cat 1’, based on the display order. I want to be able to control the order of the categories Based on its location in Depth and Display Order.
Here is my query:
DECLARE @ExcludeInactive BIT;
SET @CategoryID = 2;
SET @ExcludeInactive = 0;
Declare @Categories Table
Name VARCHAR(500),
ParentID INT,
Depth INT,
Active BIT,
DisplayOrder INT
INSERT INTO @Categories
SELECT 2, 'Main', 0, 0, 1, 0
SELECT 6, 'Cat', 2, 0, 1, 0
SELECT 13, 'Sub Cat 1', 6, 1, 1, 2
SELECT 14, 'Sub Cat 2', 6, 1, 1, 1
SELECT 5, 'Cat 2', 2,0, 1, 0
SELECT 15, 'Sub Cat 1', 5, 1, 1, 2
SELECT 16, 'Sub Cat 2', 5, 1, 1, 1;
WITH Tree (ID, Name, ParentID, Depth, Sort, Active, DisplayOrder) AS
SELECT ID, Name, ParentID, 0 AS Depth, CONVERT(varchar(255), Name) AS Sort, Active, DisplayOrder
FROM @Categories
WHERE ParentID = @CategoryID
SELECT CT.ID, CT.Name, CT.ParentID, Parent.Depth + 1 AS Depth,
CONVERT(varchar(255), Parent.Sort + ' > ' + CT.Name) AS Sort, CT.Active, CT.DisplayOrder
FROM @Categories CT
INNER JOIN Tree as Parent ON Parent.ID = CT.ParentID WHERE (@ExcludeInactive = 0 OR (CT.Active = 1 ))
SELECT ID, Name, ParentID, Depth, Sort, Active, DisplayOrder FROM Tree ORDER BY SORT
Current Output:
ID Name ParentID Depth Sort Active DisplayOrder
6 Cat 2 0 Cat 1 2
13 Sub Cat 1 6 1 Cat > Sub Cat 1 1 2
14 Sub Cat 2 6 1 Cat > Sub Cat 2 1 1
5 Cat 2 2 0 Cat 2 1 1
15 Sub Cat 1 5 1 Cat 2 > Sub Cat 1 1 2
16 Sub Cat 2 5 1 Cat 2 > Sub Cat 2 1 1
Desired Output:
ID Name ParentID Depth Sort Active DisplayOrder
5 Cat 2 2 0 Cat 2 1 1
16 Sub Cat 2 5 1 Cat 2 > Sub Cat 2 1 1
15 Sub Cat 1 5 1 Cat 2 > Sub Cat 1 1 2
6 Cat 2 0 Cat 1 2
14 Sub Cat 2 6 1 Cat > Sub Cat 2 1 1
13 Sub Cat 1 6 1 Cat > Sub Cat 1 1 2