When one function calls another, and inlining is desired, is the order of the definitions of the two functions important? Assume that the two definitions occur in the same translation unit.

I am primarily interested in what the C++ standard says about it, if anything. However, if you have important information about the inlining behavior in specific compilers, I would be interested in that too. Please assume that no link-time optimization occurs (is disabled).

Specifically, are the following two versions equally likely to achieve inlining according to the C++ standard?

Version one:

inline void foo() { ... }
void bar() { ... foo(); ... }

Version two:

inline void foo();
void bar() { ... foo(); ... }
void foo() { ... }

EDIT: Please note that this question is not about the effectiveness of the inline keyword with respect to achieving inlining in general. I specifically ask about whether the standard says anything about the order of function definitions in relation to achieving inlining.


2 回答 2


C++ 标准在这里没有任何强制要求。编译器可以在他们认为合适的任何情况下自由内联或不内联。除了允许同一函数的多个定义外, inline 关键字可能没有任何作用。


于 2013-07-15T21:00:20.280 回答

实际上,inline关键字与内联代码的关系不大,而与允许legal violation一个定义规则有关。内联的主要目的是告诉编译器一个函数可能出现在多个翻译单元中(并且在每个翻译单元中都有相同的定义)。这允许它在链接阶段避免多个定义错误。



于 2013-07-15T21:13:14.940 回答