刚刚用 Backbone 弄湿了我的脚,但我在让这个简单的例子工作时遇到了一些麻烦。我收到一个错误

“未捕获的 TypeError:对象不是函数”

当我尝试实例化 States collection 时var States = new States();。模型/集合已经声明,所以我很困惑。

        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cloud.github.com/downloads/wycats/handlebars.js/handlebars-1.0.rc.1.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"  src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.5.1/underscore-min.js"></script>
        <script  type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/1.0.0/backbone-min.js"></script>

        <div id='StatesContainer' ></div>

            Note the []  this is important
        because handlebars and backbone collections
        dont play well with each other in regards
        to naming JSON groups 
        <script id="StateTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
            {{#each []}}
        <!-- End templates setup -->

            var State = Backbone.Model.extend({});
            var States = Backbone.Collection.extend({
                model: State,
                initialize: function () { }
            //define view for all models
            var StatesView = Backbone.View.extend({
                render: function () {
                    var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
                    var html = template(this.collection.toJSON());
                initialize: function () {
                    //wire up events to trigger re-rendering of view
                    this.collection.on('add', this.render, this);
                    this.collection.on('remove', this.render, this)
            //THANKS Rameş Aliyev for the feedback on making this cleaner
            // https://gist.github.com/4682984

            $(document).ready(function () {
                // We have to do this stuff in the dom ready
                // so that the container objects get built out
                // Create instance of model Collection
                var States = new States();

                // Create new instances of the person models
                var State = new State({ name: "New York", abbreviation: "NY" });
                var State2 = new State({ name: "New Jersey", abbreviation: "NJ" });
                var State3 = new State({ name: "New Mexico", abbreviation: "NM" });

                //add models to the collection

                // Create instances of the views
                var StatesView = new StatesView({
                    collection: States

                //container for rendered view
                StatesView.el = $('#StatesContainer');
                StatesView.source = $('#StateTemplate').html();
                //render view

                //add a new model to the collection, will update view

                //remove some models from the collection, will update view

1 回答 1



var States = new States();

var states = new States();


States 是一个 Backbone 集合。由于名称冲突,您会收到错误消息。


对函数名和对象实例使用PascalCase 。camelCase

 var State = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var States = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: State,
    initialize: function () {}

//define view for all models
var StatesView = Backbone.View.extend({
    render: function () {
        var template = Handlebars.compile($('#StateTemplate').html());
        var html = template(this.collection.toJSON());
    initialize: function () {
        //wire up events to trigger re-rendering of view
        this.collection.on('add', this.render, this);
        this.collection.on('remove', this.render, this)
//THANKS Rameş Aliyev for the feedback on making this cleaner
// https://gist.github.com/4682984

$(document).ready(function () {
    // We have to do this stuff in the dom ready
    // so that the container objects get built out
    // Create instance of model Collection
    var states = new States();

    // Create new instances of the person models
    var state = new State({
        name: "New York",
        abbreviation: "NY"
    var state2 = new State({
        name: "New Jersey",
        abbreviation: "NJ"
    var state3 = new State({
        name: "New Mexico",
        abbreviation: "NM"

    //add models to the collection

    // Create instances of the views
    var statesView = new StatesView({
        collection: states

    //container for rendered view
    statesView.el = $('#StatesContainer');
    statesView.source = $('#StateTemplate').html();
    //render view



于 2013-07-15T20:11:19.923 回答