我已将此用作我的 PHP 培训的练习。虽然我是正则表达式的忠实粉丝,但我想在没有 em 的情况下做到这一点,并提出以下建议:
$addr = array("Bakerstreet 5",
"Wild Street 5 a",
"Best Street 5a",
"Won't Work 47a Suite 18b",
"1st Street 10b ",
"Route 66 12a "
echo "<h1>Address-Parsing</h1><ol>";
foreach ($addr as $ad)
$no=""; // Number
$st=""; // Street
$GotNo = false;
$r = strrev(trim($ad));
echo "<li>ad=$ad";
do {
while ($r{0}=="0") {// special handling for leading "0"s (in reverted string) which are ignored by sscanf...
if (!$GotNo) $no = "0" . $no;
else $st = "0" . $st;
$r = substr($r,1);
$d = sscanf($r,"%d"); // get number
$s = sscanf($r,"%c"); // get string
if (is_null($d[0]) && !$GotNo) {
// no matching number and have not matched no yet - so this must be string following the nr
$no = strrev($s[0]) . $no;
$r = substr($r,strlen($s[0])); // remove match
} elseif (!$GotNo) {
$no = strrev($d[0]) . $no;
$GotNo = true;
$r = substr($r,strlen($d[0])); // remove match
} else {// we already have a number, so any text must be streetname
$st = strrev($r) . $st;
if ($r !== trim($r)) {$st = " " . $st; $r = trim($r);}
} while (0<strlen($r));
$st = trim( $st);
if (empty($st)) {// might happen when no number was found...
echo "|st=$st|no=$no|</li>";
echo "</ol>";