我的站点上的 CSRF Django 中间件(来自 SVN 主干的版本)出现了许多故障。我得到的唯一错误是:CSRF 故障:原因 = CSRF 令牌丢失或不正确。

我如何诊断这些 CSRF 错误来自哪里?我自己不能导致 CSRF 错误,但我设置网站在触发 CSRF 错误视图时向我发送电子邮件,所以我知道它经常发生。


4 回答 4


I really struggled to get it right, but eventually did. Here were my main issues (Django 1.2 beta):

  1. Make sure your middleware stuff is right, according to the version of Django that you are using. This is well covered in Django's literature online.
  2. Make sure that you have the {% csrf_token %} in each form,just following the opening tag for the form
  3. This was my main problem, make sure that all your forms have an go-to page, i.e. don't do action="" in your form.
  4. Make sure that your settings emails are all the right ones. I had to do something like this:

    EMAIL_HOST='mail.my-domain.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER='my user name on the server' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='passwd' EMAIL_PORT= '26' # often seems to be 25 or 26 on many of the forum posts I read DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL='noreply@domain.com' # on hosted domains, make sure it is set up and sending SERVER_EMAIL = 'noreply@domain.com' # Same email as above

    1. Add the request_context to the end of your render_to_response

    return render_to_response('contact.htm',{'favicon':r'____.ico', 'more_stuff':"......" 'more_stuff':"......" 'more_stuff':"......" }, context_instance = RequestContext(request))

Make sure you have:


in your settings.py file.

Note that this is really not a how to, this is just what I did to get mine working. The reason for posting it now is that I see so many people on forums discussing this topic resort to just turning the csrf_token off.

于 2010-04-08T08:33:59.280 回答

当中间件成功阻止跨站请求伪造攻击时,应该会发生 CSRF 错误。验证是否是这种情况的最佳方法可能是检查您的 Web 服务器日志,并且您应该看到与先前请求无关的请求。

于 2009-11-19T19:34:47.403 回答




于 2011-11-25T11:54:32.227 回答

确保 GET 请求的视图函数如下所示:

def login_view():
c = {}
if request.method == 'GET':
  return render_to_response('newform.html',<b>c</b>)

然后检查 newform.html 的视图源,它必须有 Hidden 字段。

<`form action="" method="post" name="loginform"> <`div style='display:none'`><`input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='6f4dee99ab2f5e7201e057cb63' />

在这里,action 可以引用同一个页面,action="".

于 2011-09-23T18:24:09.473 回答